Perks are special cards that you can acquire through various methods during regular play or via crates or special offers. Perks can be equipped to your character using the same method as equipping Gear.
To equip a perk please follow these steps:
At the mission select screen, before heading into the mission, tap the 'CUSTOMIZE' button located in the bottom left of the screen.
The first screen within the 'CUSTOMIZE' menu displays your Rifles. You'll notice a bar of tabs along the bottom of the screen such as RIFLES, MACHINE GUNS, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, BULLETS, GEAR, and PERKS.
Tap on the 'PERKS' tab to be taken to the perks selection/upgrade screen.
On the left of the screen, you’ll see a list of your currently available Perks displayed as images with your total of each displayed underneath each Perk within the blue bar.
On the right of the screen, you’ll see your four Perks slots. To equip a Perk, select a Perk, tap 'EQUIP', and then tap on the slot on the right that you want to have the perk in.
You can also boost each Perk Slot by a percentage by purchasing Golden Slots with Gold. To do this tap on the 'BOOST' button.
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